Friday, December 7, 2012

Abstract, Citation, Repeat!

1. Alzheimer's Foundation of America
 "Alzheimer's Foundation of America - Alzheimer's Disease and Caregiving Support." Alzheimer's Foundation of America - Alzheimer's Disease and Caregiving Support. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Our mission is ”to provide optimal care and services to individuals confronting dementia, and to their caregivers and families—through member organizations dedicated to improving quality of life.”
This is a good quote because it states what the organization is trying to accomplish.  It is short and simple.

2. American Cancer Society
 "American Cancer Society | Information and Resources for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin." American Cancer Society | Information and Resources for Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

 For nearly 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we’re helping people stay well, helping people get well, finding cures, and fighting back against cancer. 
This is a good quote because it states what the organization is trying to accomplish and how successful they are.

3. Red Cross
"What We Do." American Red Cross. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

 The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world, through five key service areas:disaster relief, supporting America's military families, lifesaving blood, health and safety services, and international services.

This is a good quote because it states all of the support that the Red Cross gives to the general population.

Thesis Conclusion Repeat!

Three Introductions.
If I had $1,000,000 dollars to spend, I would donate it to the Alzheimer's Foundation of America so that they are able to continue to provide optimal care to individuals with dementia and their families, as well as funding for research projects on Alzheimer's.

If I had $1,000,000 dollars to spend, I would donate it the American Cancer Society so that they are able to continue to provide care and support to patients and their families as well as funding for research to find a cure to cancer.

If I had $1,000,000 dollars to spend, I would donate it to the Red Cross so that they can continue to provide resources to families in need.

Three Conclusions.
 With $1,000,000 dollars, the Alzheimer's Foundation of America would be able to continue to give care and support to individuals with Alzheimer's as well as funding to help find a cure.

With $1,000,000 dollars, the American Cancer Society would be able to continue to give care and support to individuals with cancer as well as funding to help find a cure.

With $1,000,000 dollars, the Red Cross would be able to continue to provide resources to families in need.

Love is a Battlefield

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Support, Style, Organization, and Presentation

Thesis: a statement stating what is going to be said later in the speech/paper/ect.
Narrative: a story
Analogies: a comparison of two or more things
Testimony: evidence, proof
Presentation aids: helps the presenter in a presentation to make it more interesting and exciting.
Models: used to represent something
Motivated Sequence: a way to outline a persuasive speech that motivates people.
Orientation: an introduction that points a speech or paper in a certain direction.
Closure: the end

3 examples of presentation aids:

6 Patterns that are involved with Public Speaking:
1) Structure-function
2) comparison-and-contrast
3) pro-and-con also called advantages-disadvantages
4) claim-and-proof
5) multiple-definition
6) fiction-fact pattern

The difference between conclusion and closure?
Conclusion is important  because it is often the part of speech that the audience remembers most clearly.  It is a summary of what you presented in the body of your presentation.  Closure, on-the-otherhand, is generally the final idea in a presentation.  It can be a quotation, a question, a thank you to the audience, or a reference back to the introduction. 

1)Visual effects Oscar race down to 10 movies
2) The Oscar races for visual effects has come down to 10 movies.  These include The Avengers, The Dark Night Roses, Skyfall, John Carter, The Amazing Spiderman, Cloud Atlas, The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey, Life of Pi, Prometheus, and Snow White and the Huntsman.  The 85th nominations will be officially announced on Jan. 10th.  The Oscar's will take place on Feb. 24th.  Seth MacFarlene is the host of the Oscar's.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Conversational Effectiveness

5 Steps of effective communication:

1) You demonstrate that you understand the problem and that your partner's feelings are legitimate and justified.

2) You acknowledge you responsibility.

3) You acknowledge your own displeasure at what you did.

4) You make it clear that your misdeed will never happen again.

5) You make an apology; you express your regret and maybe ask for forgiveness depending on the situation.


There are 3 different styles of leader...
1) Laissez-faire: they take no initiative in directiong courses of action and neither compliments nor criticizes the group memeber's of their progress.

2) Democratic: provides direction but allows group to progress on their own.  They contribute suggestions and provide comments on memeber and group performance.

3) Authoritarian: determines group policies and makes decisions without consulting other members of the group.  They are highly concerned with getting the group to acccept his or her decisions rather than its own.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a very productive leader.  He got people to listen to him and he didn't even use any violence.  This is a characteristic of a good leader.  They look out for the well-being of an entire population instead of their own.  I think that he was a democratic leader because he provided a direction for the civil rights movement but he encouraged people to go out and do their own thing as well.
An example of a good leader is Stalin, who used it for bad.  While he was successful in industrializing the Soviet Union in under 10 years, the way he went about it was completely uncivilized.  He is an example of an authoritarian leader.  He believed that he had the only say in all the decisions and people who did not agree would be executed.  This lead to the Purges of the Soviet Union and millions of civilians dead. 

Martin Luther King Jr. definately succeeded because without his help, America would not be where it is today in terms of the civil rights movement.  Who knows, we could have segregation in public services today if not for MLK.  If I could change one thing about his leadership style, it would be to keep his personal life out of his work as a social activist.  He was caught multiple time having affairs and sexually assaulting women.
I think that Stalin was definitely a successful leader.  While not a good person, he used his authoritative and militarian power to persuade a lot of people to do what he wanted.  If I could change one thing about his leadership style, it would be to have more morals and to not kill people because they didn't believe what he wanted them to believe.

Never Enough Time for Sentimentality

When was the last time that you sent out a LETTER(not an email, call, or text but an actual letter) to someone, just to let them know that you are thinking of them? 

I have been wanting to do this for weeks, yet I have never gotten around to doing it yet...Until now.
 FINALLY I have written a letter to my family.

                                                        HERE IS A PICTURE!!


I challenge you all to send a letter to someone that you haven't seen in a while.  It will probably make their day and it will make you feel good too.
